Small Business COVID-19 Loan Worksheet
In light of the COVID-19 Crisis and the government’s response to it, we have put together the following tool. This tool can help you and your business take advantage of the CARES Act stimulus package.
We put this together to help our business decide if and how much of the Small Business Loan we will be applying for, and want to make it available to our community and clients. No one at Block Insurance is is a CPA or Lawyer. If you have any questions about applying for the loans available please contact your local lawyer, CPA, or bank.
How it works:
You will start by filling out tabs 2. Tab 1 is a summary page and will auto fill once you complete tab 2. You will fill in all the information for the numbers for the numbers of months shown and this will give you a general idea of the amount you can apply for. Once you have this information you can speak with your bank about your loan options and the application process.
We recommend you do this as soon as possible as there are a lot of applications being put in, and it is first come first serve.
If there is anything about the spreadsheet that doesn't make sense to you, please email