The Safe Sports Act and How It Affects You and Your Business
The Safe Sports Act is a new law that expands upon previously existing youth abuse reporting laws. This law now makes it so that anyone participating in a leadership role in youth sports is a mandated reporter and is required to take abuse awareness training. We at Block Insurance are NOT attorney’s, so the following is NOT legal advice. If you have specific questions about the law or your responsibility please contact a licensed attorney in your state.
Does My Business Fall Under The Safe Sports Act?
Good Question! If you are business that centers around a physical activity "then you [have employed] adults (older teens and volunteers) working with youth. And even though you [may] not have an affiliation with a national governing body or do not have any international or interstate travel, the requirement still does say that you need to follow the Safe Sport act requirements, which include abuse awareness training and, the biggest change, which is the mandatory reporting aspect of it." (Nelson, L. 2017, July 17. Safe Sports Act:How Does it Affect Me?.
What Are The Requirements of The Safe Sports Act?
"The Safe Sport Act expands the list of individuals required to report child sexual abuse. Now, it is any adult who is authorized to interact with youth athletes will be required to report suspicions of abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies within 24 hours."
(Nelson, L. 2017, July 17. Safe Sports Act:How Does it Affect Me?.
To do this, "The Act requires organizations to provide a “mechanism for communication” for all participants and volunteers where they can confidentially report incidents of abuse, or suspicion of abuse." (Nelson, L. 2017, July 17. Safe Sports Act:How Does it Affect Me?.
What Is A Mandated Reporter?
"According to what the Safe Sport Act says, if you see or hear a report of any form of abuse, whether it is sexual, physical, mental or any other type of abuse you are required to report that abuse within a 24-hour period." (Nelson, L. 2017, July 17. Safe Sports Act:How Does it Affect Me?.
What Is A ‘Mechanism of Communication’?
This is not specifically covered, so please look up your states mandatory reporting requirements. If you want to be 100% sure you are following the law, then please contact an attorney licensed in your state.